How to Get a Forklift License in the USA in 2024?

How to Get a Forklift License in the USA

Getting a forklift license in the USA is crucial if you want to operate a forklift at work, like in a warehouse or on a construction site. This license shows you know the rules and can keep yourself and others safe. In this guide, we’ll explain how to get your forklift license, making it easy for you to start driving a forklift safely and legally.

What is a Forklift License?

A forklift license in the USA is a certification that demonstrates an individual has received training and has been evaluated on their ability to safely operate a forklift. This certification is crucial because operating a forklift involves potential risks not only to the operator but also to other workers and pedestrians in the vicinity. Proper training ensures that operators understand both the mechanical aspects of the forklift and the safety protocols necessary to prevent accidents and injuries.

Why is a Forklift License Necessary?

  • Safety: Forklifts can be dangerous if not handled correctly. Training courses cover essential safety rules and emergency procedures to mitigate risks.
  • Legal Compliance: Employers are legally required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure their forklift operators are trained and certified. This helps in adhering to workplace safety laws and avoiding potential fines.
  • Efficiency: Proper training also means that operators are more proficient in handling forklifts, which can lead to more efficient operations in warehouses and other settings.

Difference Between Forklift License and Certification

  • Forklift Certification: This refers to the document or proof received after completing a forklift training program. It typically includes the date of training, the name of the training provider, and the types of equipment the operator is trained to handle.
  • Forklift License: Often used interchangeably with certification, but in a more formal sense, it can imply a more rigorous licensing process or official permission from a regulatory authority, which is not generally the case in the U.S. for forklift operation.

While both terms are often used synonymously, the key takeaway is that obtaining this credential is about proving one’s ability to operate a forklift safely and effectively according to OSHA standards.

Requirements for Getting a Forklift License

Obtaining a forklift license in the United States involves meeting several specific requirements. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

Age Requirements

  • Minimum Age: You must be at least 18 years old to operate a forklift. This ensures that operators have reached a level of maturity necessary for handling the potential risks associated with operating heavy machinery.

Educational Requirements

  • Basic Education: While there is no federal mandate for a specific educational background to receive forklift certification, most employers prefer that operators have a high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED). This ensures that operators can understand training materials, safety procedures, and job instructions.

Physical Fitness

  • Physically Fit: Being physically fit is important for operating a forklift. This includes having good vision, hearing, and the physical ability to operate controls, lift and maneuver loads, and handle the physical demands of the job. It’s essential to ensure the safety of the operator and others around them.

These requirements help ensure that all forklift operators are equipped with the necessary knowledge, maturity, and physical ability to handle the equipment safely and effectively, minimizing risks in the workplace.

Training Programs

Forklift training programs are essential for ensuring that operators are capable of handling the equipment safely and efficiently. Here’s an overview of what these programs typically include and the options available:

Overview of Forklift Training Programs

Forklift training programs are designed to meet the standards set by OSHA, which require both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. These programs cover various aspects of forklift operation to prepare individuals for safe and effective use in the workplace.

Typical Content Covered

  • Safety Rules: Training programs emphasize the importance of safety, including understanding OSHA regulations, workplace safety protocols, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Operators learn about the potential hazards associated with forklift operation and how to mitigate them.
  • Operating Techniques: This includes detailed instructions on how to start, maneuver, and stop the forklift. Operators learn about the different controls, how to handle various loads, and the best practices for stacking and unstacking materials.
  • Maintenance Procedures: Basic maintenance routines are covered to ensure the forklift remains in good working condition. This includes daily checks, battery maintenance, refueling, and troubleshooting common issues.
  • Load Handling: Operators are trained on how to assess load stability, secure loads properly, and handle different types of materials safely.
  • Environmental Awareness: Training includes how to operate the forklift in different environments, such as warehouses, loading docks, and outdoor areas. Operators learn to navigate through narrow aisles, ramps, and other challenging terrains.

In-Person vs. Online Training Options

  • In-Person Training: Traditional classroom settings where trainees receive hands-on experience with a forklift under the supervision of a qualified instructor. This type of training is beneficial for practical learning and immediate feedback. It typically includes:
    • Classroom sessions covering theory and safety rules.
    • Practical exercises where trainees operate a forklift in a controlled environment.
    • Direct interaction with trainers for personalized guidance and support.
  • Online Training: Offers flexibility for those who may not be able to attend in-person sessions. Online courses usually provide the theoretical part of the training, including safety rules and operating techniques, through interactive modules, videos, and quizzes. However, practical training and evaluation must still be conducted in person. Key aspects include:
    • Accessibility from anywhere, at any time, allowing trainees to learn at their own pace.
    • Interactive content such as videos, simulations, and quizzes to enhance understanding.
    • Often supplemented by in-person practical assessments to ensure competence in actual forklift operation.

Both training methods have their benefits, and a combination of online theoretical training followed by in-person practical training can be an effective approach to meet OSHA requirements and ensure comprehensive learning.

In the US, Forklift Training Is Governed By OSHA OSHA Regulations 29 CFR – 1910.178 Powered Industrial Trucks

Here’s a detailed explanation of the key components within OSHA’s training and evaluation standards for forklift operators under §1910.178(l):

1. Training Program

  • Formal Instruction: This is the theoretical part of the training and includes lectures, discussions, and interactive computer learning. The aim is to provide a foundational understanding of forklift operation and safety principles. This can involve classroom-based learning or online courses that cover the basic knowledge required to operate a forklift.
  • Practical Training: This involves hands-on exercises and demonstrations. Operators get to practice the skills they’ve learned in the theoretical sessions under supervised conditions. This could include maneuvering the forklift through various courses, handling different load types, and practicing safety protocols in a controlled environment.
  • Evaluation of Performance: After the initial training, the operator’s performance is assessed in the workplace to ensure they can apply what they’ve learned in real-world scenarios. This evaluation is crucial as it verifies the operator’s ability to operate a forklift safely and effectively within their specific work setting.

2. Content of Training

  • Truck-Related Topics: These include detailed instructions on how to operate the forklift, understanding the controls and instruments, the limitations of the vehicle, maintenance requirements, and specific safety warnings and precautions.
  • Workplace-Related Topics: This part of the training addresses the environmental aspects of operating a forklift, such as navigating through tight spaces, handling surface conditions like wet or uneven floors, and understanding how to manipulate loads safely depending on the workplace’s layout and typical traffic patterns.

3. Certification

  • Upon successfully completing the training and passing the evaluations, operators receive a certification. This document serves as proof of their qualification and includes the operator’s name, the date of the training, and the details of the trainer or evaluator. This certification is important not only for compliance with regulations but also as a record for employers and safety audits.

4. Evaluation (§1910.178(l)(4))

  • Periodic Evaluation: Operators must undergo evaluations at least every three years to ensure they maintain their skills and adhere to safety standards. These evaluations help identify any gaps in skills or knowledge that might develop over time and ensure continued compliance with safety practices.
  • Refresher Training: If an operator is involved in an accident, a near-miss, or is observed operating the forklift in an unsafe manner, they are required to undergo additional training. Refresher training is also necessary when an operator is assigned to a different type of forklift, as different models may have different controls, capabilities, and safety requirements.

These contents ensure that forklift operators are well-prepared to handle their duties safely and effectively, reducing the risk of accidents and improving efficiency in the workplace. For more detailed guidelines, you can visit the OSHA guidelines on their website.

The Certification Process

Getting a forklift license involves a few simple steps. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Enroll in a Certified Forklift Training Program

  • Find a Training Program: Look for a training course that is certified by OSHA or another recognized authority. You can find these at vocational schools, community colleges, or specialized training centers.
  • Sign Up: Fill out the necessary forms and pay any fees to enroll in the program.

Step 2: Complete Theoretical Training

  • Attend Classes: Join classroom sessions or online courses where you’ll learn about safety rules, how forklifts work, and the basic operating procedures.
  • Study Materials: Go through any manuals, videos, or other learning materials provided to you.

Step 3: Complete Practical Training

  • Hands-On Practice: Get hands-on experience by practicing with a forklift under the supervision of a qualified instructor. You’ll learn how to drive the forklift, handle loads, and perform daily maintenance checks.
  • Practice in Simulated Environments: Some programs may have practice courses that mimic real work settings to help you get used to operating the forklift in different scenarios.

Step 4: Pass the Evaluation Conducted by a Certified Trainer

  • Performance Test: After training, you’ll take a performance test conducted by a certified trainer. This will include both a written test and a practical test to show you can operate the forklift safely and correctly.
  • Show Your Skills: During the test, you’ll need to demonstrate your ability to control the forklift, follow safety rules, and handle different types of loads.

Step 5: Receive Your Certification

  • Get Your Certificate: Once you pass the evaluation, you’ll receive a certificate that shows you are qualified to operate a forklift. This certificate will have your name, the date of training, and the details of the trainer or training provider.

At the end of the certification and upon successful evaluation, the trainee can have his forklift license that usually need to be renewed every three years.

Renewing Your Certification

  • Renew Every Three Years: You need to renew your forklift certification at least every three years to ensure you stay up to date with safety practices and operating procedures.
  • Refresher Training: If you have an accident, a near-miss, or are seen operating the forklift unsafely, you will need to take additional training before you can be recertified.

How Is Getting a Forklift License in the US Different From Other Countries

Country Regulation/Law Process
USA OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 governs forklift operation and training.
  1. Enroll in a certified training program: Look for programs certified by OSHA.
  2. Complete theoretical training: Participate in classroom or online sessions covering safety and operation principles.
  3. Complete practical training: Hands-on practice under supervision.
  4. Pass evaluation: Written and practical tests conducted by a certified trainer.
  5. Receive certification: Certification includes name, date, and trainer details.
  6. Renew every 3 years: Periodic evaluations to maintain skills.
  7. Refresher training if needed: After accidents, near-misses, or unsafe operation.
Australia Governed by Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations.
  1. Find an RTO: Enroll in a Registered Training Organization for forklift training.
  2. Complete training: Includes formal instruction and assessments.
  3. Obtain a Statement of Attainment: Proof of completed training.
  4. Apply for a High-Risk Work Licence: Submit application to WorkSafe with the Statement of Attainment.
  5. Renew license every 5 years: Ensure ongoing compliance with WHS regulations.
Canada Guidelines provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).
  1. Enroll in a certified training program: Find a program meeting CCOHS standards.
  2. Complete theoretical and practical training: Combination of classroom and hands-on training.
  3. Pass written and practical tests: Evaluation of knowledge and skills.
  4. Receive certification: Certification awarded upon successful completion.
  5. Recertification required: Frequency varies by province; typically every 3 years.
UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L117.
  1. Enroll in an accredited training course: Look for HSE-accredited programs.
  2. Complete classroom instruction and hands-on training: Comprehensive training covering all aspects of forklift operation.
  3. Pass theoretical and practical tests: Evaluation by qualified instructors.
  4. Receive a certificate of training: Once you have passed the evaluations, you will receive a certificate of training.
  5. Periodic refresher training recommended: Usually every 3-5 years to maintain and update skills and knowledge.

Some Other Comparison


Regulation: OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 governs forklift operation and training. Process:

  1. Enroll in a Certified Training Program: Look for programs certified by OSHA. These programs can be found at vocational schools, community colleges, and specialized training centers. The program must meet OSHA standards for both theoretical and practical training​​.
  1. Complete Theoretical Training: Participate in classroom or online sessions that cover essential topics like safety rules, forklift controls, and basic operating procedures. This ensures operators understand the principles of safe forklift operation​ (OSHA)​.
  2. Complete Practical Training: Engage in hands-on practice under the supervision of a qualified instructor. This includes maneuvering the forklift, handling loads, and performing routine maintenance checks. Practical training helps build confidence and competence in real-world scenarios​​.
  3. Pass Evaluation: After completing the training, pass a performance evaluation conducted by a certified trainer. This includes both written and practical tests to ensure you can operate the forklift safely and correctly​ ​.
  4. Receive Certification: Once you pass the evaluation, you will receive a certification that includes your name, the date of training, and the details of the trainer or training provider​​.
  5. Renew Every 3 Years: Certification needs to be renewed every three years to ensure ongoing competence and compliance with current safety standards​​.
  6. Refresher Training if Needed: Additional training is required after accidents, near-misses, or if the operator is observed operating the forklift unsafely. This ensures continuous adherence to safety protocols​​.


Regulation: Governed by Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations. Process:

  1. Find an RTO: Enroll in a Registered Training Organization (RTO) for forklift training. RTOs are accredited to provide high-quality, compliant training programs​​.
  2. Complete Training: This includes both formal instruction and practical assessments. The training covers safety procedures, operational techniques, and regulatory compliance​​.
  3. Obtain a Statement of Attainment: After completing the training and assessments, receive a Statement of Attainment, which is proof of your completed training​​.
  4. Apply for a High-Risk Work Licence: Submit the Statement of Attainment to WorkSafe to apply for a High-Risk Work Licence. This licence is necessary for legally operating a forklift in Australia​​.
  5. Renew License Every 5 Years: The High-Risk Work Licence must be renewed every five years to ensure that the operator remains compliant with WHS regulations and maintains their skills​​.


Regulation: Guidelines provided by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Process:

  1. Enroll in a Certified Training Program: Find a program that meets CCOHS standards. Training programs should offer both classroom and practical training​​.
  2. Complete Theoretical and Practical Training: Engage in training that covers safety rules, operating procedures, and hands-on practice under the guidance of a certified trainer​​.
  3. Pass Written and Practical Tests: Successfully complete written and practical evaluations to demonstrate your competence in forklift operation​​.
  4. Receive Certification: Upon successful completion of the evaluations, receive a certification that validates your ability to operate a forklift safely and effectively​.
  5. Recertification Required: Recertification is typically required every three years, though this may vary by province. This process ensures operators maintain their skills and stay updated on safety practices​.


Regulation: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L117. Process:

  1. Enroll in an Accredited Training Course: Look for HSE-accredited programs that offer comprehensive forklift training​​.
  2. Complete Classroom Instruction and Hands-On Training: Participate in both theoretical and practical training sessions that cover all aspects of forklift operation, including safety procedures and operational techniques​​.
  3. Pass Theoretical and Practical Tests: Successfully pass both written and practical evaluations to demonstrate your understanding and competence​​.
  4. Receive a Certificate of Training: Once you have passed the evaluations, you will receive a certificate of training that confirms your ability to operate a forklift safely​​.
  5. Periodic Refresher Training Recommended: Although not mandatory, it is recommended to undergo refresher training every three to five years to maintain and update your skills and knowledge​​.

Taking The Forklift Training Involves Finding a Training Provider

Forklift training can be taken at various locations across the USA, including vocational schools, community colleges, specialized training centers, and through online courses that meet OSHA requirements. Here are some places where you can enroll in forklift training programs:

Training Option Pros Cons Examples
Vocational Schools
  • Hands-on Training: Provides extensive practical experience.
  • Industry-Specific Skills: Training tailored to specific industries.
  • Comprehensive Programs: May cover additional skills related to warehousing and logistics.
  • Cost: Can be more expensive than community colleges.
  • Location: Availability may be limited depending on the region.
  • North Bennet Street School
  • Tennessee College of Applied Technology
Community Colleges
  • Accessibility: Widely available across the country.
  • Affordability: Generally less expensive than specialized training centers.
  • Flexible Schedules: Often offer evening and weekend classes to accommodate working students.
  • Less Specialized: May not offer as much industry-specific training as vocational schools.
  • Class Size: Larger class sizes might mean less individualized attention.
  • Ivy Tech Community College
  • San Jacinto College
Specialized Training Centers
  • Focused Training: Highly specialized, with a strong emphasis on safety and compliance.
  • Experienced Instructors: Trainers typically have extensive industry experience.
  • Flexibility: Many centers offer both online and on-site training options.
  • Cost: Can be more expensive than community colleges.
  • Narrow Focus: Limited to specific types of training without broader educational opportunities.

If You’re Employed, The Employer Is The One Responsible for Giving the Training

If you have a job, your employer usually provides the forklift training you need. This is called Employer-Sponsored Training. Many companies have their own in-house training programs, which are often the easiest and cheapest way to get certified.

Training at your workplace is convenient because you don’t have to go anywhere else. It’s also cost-effective because your employer typically pays for the training and certification, so you don’t have to spend your own money. Plus, the training is directly related to the equipment and procedures you’ll use on the job, making it more relevant and practical.

By offering in-house training, employers can make sure all forklift operators meet OSHA safety standards, keeping the workplace safe and compliant with regulations. This type of training allows employees to learn on the actual forklifts they will use and immediately apply what they’ve learned, reinforcing their skills and knowledge.

In-House Training is the Best Way to Provide Forklift Training

In-house training is often considered the best way to provide forklift training for several reasons:


  • On-Site Training: By conducting training sessions at the workplace, employees do not need to travel to external facilities, which saves time and eliminates the logistical challenges associated with transportation. This convenience ensures that more employees can participate without disrupting daily operations.
  • Flexible Scheduling: In-house training allows for flexible scheduling, meaning sessions can be arranged at times that are most convenient for the business and its employees. This flexibility helps minimize downtime and maintain productivity.


  • Employer-Covered Costs: Employers typically bear the costs of training, which relieves employees from the financial burden of paying for certification out of their own pockets. This can be a significant incentive for employees to participate.
  • Bulk Training: Training multiple employees simultaneously can reduce per-person costs, making it more economical than sending individuals to external training programs. This bulk training approach helps in managing budgets more effectively.


  • Specific Equipment: Training is conducted using the actual forklifts and equipment that employees will use in their daily tasks. This ensures that operators are familiar with the specific machinery and any unique features or controls.
  • Tailored Procedures: The training can be customized to include the specific operational procedures, safety protocols, and layout of the workplace. This tailored approach makes the training more practical and directly applicable to the employees’ roles.

Compliance and Safety

  • OSHA Standards: In-house training ensures that all forklift operators meet the stringent safety standards set by OSHA. This compliance is crucial for maintaining a safe working environment and avoiding potential fines and penalties.
  • Consistent Training Quality: Employers can standardize the training program to ensure that all employees receive the same high-quality instruction. This consistency helps in maintaining uniform safety and operational standards across the organization.

Immediate Application

  • Hands-On Experience: Employees can immediately put their training into practice in the real work environment. This hands-on experience reinforces what they have learned and helps solidify their skills and knowledge.
  • On-the-Job Learning: Practicing in the actual workplace setting allows employees to better understand the nuances of their specific job roles and the operational flow of their tasks.

Employee Development

  • Ongoing Training: Employers can provide continuous training opportunities, including refresher courses and updates on new safety practices and equipment. This ongoing training helps employees stay current with industry standards and enhances their professional development.
  • Skill Improvement: Regular in-house training sessions can lead to continuous improvement in employees’ skills, making them more competent and efficient in their roles.

In-house forklift training offers significant benefits in terms of convenience, cost, relevance, compliance, practical application, and ongoing employee development, making it an optimal choice for many organizations.

To Satisfy OSHA Requirements in Order to Get a Forklift License, Trainee Must Take These 3 Components

To satisfy OSHA requirements for obtaining a forklift license, trainees must complete three key components: classroom training, practical training, and evaluation. Each component has specific content and typically takes a certain amount of time to complete. Here’s a detailed explanation of each:

Classroom Training

Overview: This component involves theoretical instruction where trainees learn the fundamentals of forklift operation, safety regulations, and hazard awareness.


  • Safety Rules: Detailed understanding of OSHA regulations and guidelines for safe forklift operation.
  • Operating Procedures: Instructions on the proper use of forklift controls, instrumentation, and various operational techniques.
  • Hazard Awareness: Identifying and understanding potential risks in different work environments, such as warehouses or construction sites.


  • Duration: Typically, classroom training lasts around 4 to 8 hours, but this can vary depending on the training provider and the depth of the course content.
  • Methods: Training can be conducted in-person or online and includes lectures, discussions, videos, and interactive learning materials.

    Practical Training

    Overview: This hands-on training component allows trainees to practice operating a forklift under the supervision of a qualified instructor.


    • Vehicle Inspection: Training on how to perform pre-operation checks to ensure the forklift is in good working condition.
    • Maneuvering: Practical exercises on driving the forklift, including navigating tight spaces, handling various loads, and performing basic maneuvers.
    • Load Handling: Instructions on properly picking up, transporting, and setting down loads to maintain balance and stability.


    • Duration: Practical training typically takes about 4 to 8 hours, but the total duration may vary based on the trainee’s prior experience and the complexity of the tasks involved.
    • Methods: Conducted on-site with the actual forklifts used in the job, ensuring that trainees become familiar with the specific equipment they will operate.


      Overview: The evaluation component assesses the trainee’s ability to operate a forklift safely and effectively.


      • Written Test: An assessment of the trainee’s understanding of theoretical concepts covered in classroom training. This test typically includes multiple-choice questions covering safety rules, operating procedures, and hazard awareness.
      • Practical Test: A hands-on evaluation where the trainee demonstrates their ability to perform tasks such as vehicle inspection, maneuvering, and load handling. The instructor observes and assesses the trainee’s performance in real-world scenarios.


      • Duration: The evaluation process usually takes around 1 to 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the tasks and the trainee’s proficiency.
      • Certification: Successful completion of both the written and practical tests is required to receive certification. The certification includes documentation of the trainee’s ability to operate a forklift safely and in compliance with OSHA standards.

      If one of these is lacking, you cannot be certified.

      Completing these three components—classroom training, practical training, and evaluation—ensures that forklift operators are well-prepared with the necessary knowledge and skills to operate forklifts safely and comply with OSHA regulations. The combined duration of all three components typically ranges from 9 to 18 hours, depending on the depth of the course and the trainee’s experience. This thorough approach helps trainees become competent and safe forklift operators.

      Forklift License Has Many Names

      In the United States, a forklift license is known by several names, reflecting the various terms used across industries and regulatory bodies. Here are some of the common names and terms used for a forklift license:

      1. Forklift Certification: This is perhaps the most commonly used term. It indicates that the operator has completed the required training and evaluation to safely operate a forklift according to OSHA standards.
      2. Powered Industrial Truck (PIT) Certification: This term is used to describe certification for operating any powered industrial truck, which includes forklifts. OSHA regulations specifically refer to these vehicles as powered industrial trucks (PITs).
      3. Lift Truck Certification: In some industries, forklifts are referred to as lift trucks, and thus, the certification might be called lift truck certification.
      4. Forklift Operator Certification: This term emphasizes that the individual has been certified as an operator, highlighting the qualification and skill level of the person.
      5. Forklift License: Although less formal than the other terms, some workplaces and training programs may use this term to describe the certification process and the resulting qualification.

      Forklift Operators Are in Demand in the USA

      Forklift operators are in high demand across the USA for several reasons. The growth of online shopping has created a need for more warehouses and distribution centers. These places need forklift operators to move products around efficiently.

      The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that jobs for forklift operators are expected to grow by 4% from 2022 to 2032, which is about average compared to other jobs. This steady demand is partly due to the rise in e-commerce, which was boosted even more by the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Forklift operators are essential in many industries, not just warehouses. They are needed in manufacturing plants, construction sites, and other places where heavy materials need to be moved.

      Key Points:

      • E-commerce Growth: More online shopping means more warehouses, which need forklift operators.
      • Job Growth: The number of forklift operator jobs is expected to grow by 4% over the next decade.
      • Good Pay: The median annual wage for forklift operators was $44,750 in May 2023.
      • Various Industries: Forklift operators are needed in manufacturing, construction, and general warehousing.

      Forklift operators in the USA earn varying salaries depending on factors like experience, location, and industry. Here’s a general overview of what forklift operators can expect to make:

      Median Annual Wage

      • $44,750 per year: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage for material moving machine operators, which includes forklift operators, was $44,750 in May 2023​ (Bureau of Labor Statistics)​.

      Hourly Wage

      • $15 to $25 per hour: The average hourly wage for forklift operators generally ranges from $15 to $25. This rate can vary significantly based on the operator’s experience and the region in which they work​

      To Make a Summary

      Getting a forklift license in the USA involves three main steps: classroom training, practical training, and a final evaluation. You can take these trainings at vocational schools, community colleges, specialized training centers, or through your employer if they offer in-house training. The process ensures you learn how to operate a forklift safely and meet OSHA standards. Completing these steps will make you a certified forklift operator, opening up job opportunities in many industries. For more details, check out OSHA guidelines and accredited training programs to start your certification journey.


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